Saturday, August 23, 2008


YEAH, this going to be politically correct or not, depending on your reality!
TOO BAD if you don't like it!
The reality of the situation is: the politics is coming for you!
Either your going to accept whatever plans they have for you...
...or you can stand and be apart of those plans!
You have to wake up and realize that what they have taught you about your opinion not mattering, was a lie! Only you can make change! And him, and her, and them, if you get off your ASS and get involved!
Before it's too late!
Chuck U. Farley and Mad Marc

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I need your help!

MARC’S WEEKLY RANT…….8/21/2008


Now you may have lots of ideas how this is going to go, but stop there! Our nature as humans is to finish that title without ever listening to the content to follow. We have been trained, myself included, into perceiving certain stories, catch phrases, and key words with a predetermined response. I’ll give you some examples.

UFO = loony’s, crazy’s and delusional.
Government = democratically elected civil servants
Conspiracy = nut bags, mafia and fanatic
War = a necessary evil to preserve freedom
Muslims = religious nuts hell bent on suicide
Christians = compassion, faith, and righteousness

All of these are deceptive in the fact that, there is no grey area portrayed, or allowed for in our believe system! The TV is the number one source for our lack of imagination when it comes to things we don’t know or understand! We are given a prepackaged belief process that the media (news, sitcoms, radio, etc) and government want all people to subscribe to, and to believe that “all” people feel the same way! This is the “Matrix” of our minds, created by the very subtle, but perverse programming from the powerful elites, corporate executives, and government puppets! All to control an uninformed, confused, and scared public into putting faith anywhere but themselves! Faith in government to do what’s right, and not what’s easy, nor self serving. Faith in religion, so that if hell breaks, we will be saved! Faith in the news and radio to give us the whole story, the truth and nothing but the truth! And the worst is the faith in law enforcement agencies policy to serve and protect, and not “to imprison and enslave”!
But none of this is true in the real world! That’s why people “know something is wrong, but they can’t quite figure out what it is, but they know its there”!

Do you think I’m a nut, or conspiracy theorist?
I would say, that is my proof that you are plugged in and preprogrammed!

Now the help I refer to in my title is this, how do I break the cycle in my community, and more importantly, in my family? How do I protect my loved ones from the dark side of human nature? Not the freak pedophiles, and serial killers, but the really secretive evil of the super rich, and their agenda to control everything.

Here is my premise: if you can believe in any of these “faiths”, you have the capacity to think. So why is it so hard to believe that there are evil, greedy, and narcissistic people in the world? Just because someone has a title or lots of money, doesn’t make them respectable! How many celebrities’s, politicians, cops, judges, teachers, doctors, and priests have been busted for some of the most evil crimes? But we give them a title or some fame, and then they are above all that! I could give you examples of hundreds of cases of corruption in our history, but if you’re still reading by now, you are ahead of the game, because of your open mind! With schools taking all creative arts out of the school system, they are destroying deductive reasoning, common sense, and the imagination of our children’s futures! This creates drones or slaves to the box!

So can you help me? Can you help yourself? Or better yet, can you help the children and the future of man kind?

The mad Rantor Marc

Monday, August 18, 2008




We are going to keep it simple and fun today! We have had quite a lot of activity this week on you tube! We have been apart of some discussions on some very heavy topics such as; politics, racism, crimes against humanity, hair care, and so on! So we are going to give you a taste of what we go through in a week of observation, at least the funny and strange side of You Tube!

WHATTHEBUCK CRU 2Envy Dancers"Pull Shapes"M&M Cru going down

Reagan's MURDER CONTRACT Illegal


Peter Frampton- Baby i love you way

She's out of my life bnvmarcello cover Michael Jackson

The Onion: Supreme Court: Death Penalty Is 'Totally Badass'

There are a lot more to see at Video Assassin! You keep sending us the videos, and we will keep watching them! The big news this week was the passing on of George Carlin at age 71. There are thousands of memorials to this inspiring comedian! And everyone is going to have heart. Because whether you liked or disliked what his message was, did not matter, because he was funny and completely honest! These are the rarest qualities that man has left! So I say “farewell good friend, and peace be with you!

George Carlin on Death – RIP

Peace be with you too!

Marc and Chucky

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